
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been extremely successful at discovering genetic variants underlying many diseases. There is a great deal of interest in translating these findings to estimate an individual’s genetic risk for disease (so-called polygenic risk) to be used in the clinic for early prevention and intervention. Unfortunately, the predictive ability of polygenic risk prediction is at present limited and varies as a function of ancestry. This is because both variant discovery and prediction accuracy depend on the genetic variation underlying complex traits, which in turn is shaped by population history. We combine theoretical modeling and analysis of empirical data to study these relationships with the long-term goal to improve our understanding of the genetic basis of disease risk in diverse populations. We have several ongoing projects that fall under the following themes:

Impact of admixture on complex trait variation

Admixture is a ubiquitous feature of human history. It is also a powerful evolutionary force that has played an important role in shaping human phenotypic variation. We use population genetic theory to study the non-equilibrium behavior of complex trait variation under realistic models of human admixture. We seek to understand the advantages and limitations of genetic analyses (e.g. association studies, fine-mapping, and polygenic risk prediction) in admixed populations.

Impact of endogamy and consanguinity on complex traits

South Asia is culturally one of the most diverse regions of the world, with 1000s of ethno-linguistic groups. These cultural groups often coincide with genetic clustering due to the practice of endogamy that has been around for centuries. Some populations in South Asia also have some of the highest rates of consanguinity (close-kin unions) in the world. We study the extent to which these practices have shaped the distribution of disease risk in South Asia. In doing so, we seek to understand the link between common and rare diseases and the contribution of recessive variation to complex traits.

Mitochondrial Genetics and disease

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a small but functionally important piece of DNA residing in the mitochondria of all eukaryotic cells. The evolutionary forces that shape mtDNA variation differ considerably from the nuclear genome. MtDNA has a high mutation rate and is transmitted maternally, which means it has one fourth the effective population size of autosomal loci. Within an individual, cells vary considerably in how many mtDNA they carry (e.g 100 copies/neutrophil - 100k copies/oocyte). These copies can accumulate mutations throughout the life of the individual, increasing the risk of disease. We study the processes that shape mtDNA variation both within and among individuals and how this variation contributes to disease variation.

Select Publications and Preprints

  • Huang J, Basu S, Shriver MD, Zaidi AA. Interpreting SNP heritability in admixed populations. Biorxiv 2023 [preprint]

  • Zaidi AA, Morse C, Verma A, Penn Medicine Biobank, Ritchie M, Mathieson I. The genetic and phenotypic correlates of mtDNA copy number in a multi-ancestry cohort. Human Genetics and Genomics Advances 2023 [paper]

  • Anova Sahoo S, Zaidi AA , Anagol S, Mathieson I . Long runs of homozygosity are correlated with marriage preferences across global population samples. Human Biology 2022 [paper]

  • Zaidi AA, Mathieson I. Demographic history mediates the effect of stratification on polygenic scores. Elife 2020 [paper]

  • Zaidi AA, Wilton PR, Su MSW, Paul IM, Arbeithuber B, Anthony K, Nekrutenko A, Nielsen R, Makova KD. Bottleneck and selection in the germline and maternal age influence transmission of mitochondrial DNA in human pedigrees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2019 [paper]

  • Zaidi AA, Makova KD. Investigating mito-nuclear interactions in human admixed populations. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2019 [paper]

  • Zaidi AA , White JD , Mattern BC, Liebowitz CR, Puts DA, Claes P, Shriver MD. Facial masculinity does not appear to be a condition-dependent male ornament in humans and does not reflect MHC heterozygosity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2019 [paper]

  • Ye D, Zaidi AA , Tomaszkiewicz M , Anthony K, Liebowitz C, DeGiorgio M, Shriver MD, Makova KD. High levels of copy number variation of ampliconic genes across major human Y haplogroups. Genome Biology & Evolution. 2018 [paper]

  • Zaidi AA, Mattern BC, Claes P, McEcoy B, Hughes C, Shriver MD. Investigating the case of human nose shape and climate adaptation. PLOS Genetics. 2017 [paper]

A full list of publications can be found on Google Scholar.